Programmes & Projects
Judo teaches that if you fall seven times, get up eight! It is not just about winning. It teaches the importance of dealing with disappointment, accepting disappointment, learning from the experience and thriving from it.
Every case of education disengagement is unique to itself. Whilst a lack of self esteem may be an issue itself, it may paradoxically be a consequence of high self esteem that is the cause of educational disengagement. Some youths are scaffolded so much on a framework of self esteem support, they tend to react unfavourably to failure during difficult or challenging periods.
Our programmes promote the knowledge, skills and attitudes to allow an individual to re-engage with life, work, a relationship or education.
Glenwood HS, Glenrothes
This is a new group who started Judo in May 2016 and now ready for their red belts. This is a great group of 2nd and 3rd year boys who have really engaged in the programme. We are supported by Charlotte and Brandon who completed the Yellow Belt Challenge before the start of the summer holidays.

When? 29 August 2016
Ages 13-14
The Programme S2 & S3 Yellow Belt Challenge
Woodmill HS
The following extract is taken from the questionnaire completed by Caroline Swinburne, Principle Teacher DAS at the end of the Summer 2016 school term.
Q1 What criteria did you use to select the pupils to take part in the Yellow Belt Challenge?
“We started (in 2015) with senior pupils in the DAS and have gradually introduced it to younger pupils. All our pupils have additional support needs”
Q2 What do you like most about judo and our approach with the pupils?
“I like that and not only improves their physical fitness and mobility, it also teaches respect, self-control and self-regulation. These are all things our pupils need help with.”
Q5 Would you recommend the Fighting Chance Project (Scotland) Yellow Belt Challenge to other schools or establishments
“This has greatly help a number of our pupils develop confidence, self-esteem and fitness. It has also helped to develop relationships between pupils & staff and parents & staff.”
Any additional comments?
Being part of Fighting Chance and learning the basics of judo in a supported environment has helped a number of our pupils integrate into a mainstream judo club. They would never have had the confidence to do this without Fighting Chance. This has opened up a larger social circle for our pupils who are at risk at being socially isolated due to their additional support needs.

When? June 2016
Ages S1-S5
The Programme Yellow Belt Challenge
Woodmill HS
This has been a great class to teach judo to with fantastic support from everyone in the DAS teaching and support team. We were very happy to award the group their yellow belts as they successfully completed the Yellow Belt Challenge. Well done everyone!
Teacher Susan Millar wrote in our feedback questionnaire “We were looking for an unfamiliar activity to slot into a Nat2 Unit on Leisure Time Activities.” “It enabled some to increase their concentration, focus and working with others, showing respect and for all an increase in their general fitness and suppleness.”
When asked if she would recommend Fighting Chance Scotland and the Yellow Belt Challenge to other schools or establishments she wrote “This has been a tremendous activity for the group. It has let them improve in so many ways and can open countless other doors of opportunity for themselves. Thanks for all the effort and support from Jim and his team. It has been a great experience.”

When? May 2016
Ages 15-16
The Programme Yellow Belt Challenge
Glenwood High School
Fighting Chance Scotland and Carnegie Judo Club have been working with Glenwood High School GOAL group of pupils in Glenrothes Fife since 2015 as one of our original pilot projects. Apart from learning judo and undertaking the Yellow Belt Challenge we are working on three of the Judo values (Self- confidence, Self-control and Respect) as they prepare to leave school later this year to go on to college or employment. The project is seen as a great success and proves the value of Fighting Chance, a Judo Club, the High School Teaching and Support team and ActiveSchools working in partnership for the benefit of the pupils.

When? Spring 2015
Ages 15 - 16
The Programme Glenwood HS GOAL
Dunfermline High School
This term started with a new, exciting opportunity for some of our young people. They were offered the chance to take part in a 12 week Judo project as part of the Yellow Belt Challenge and work towards their first grading.
The pupils have worked extremely hard and it has truly paid off as all of them have managed to gain their red belt.
“The Fight Chance Project (Scotland) recognises the intrinsic strength of Judo but that more could be done under the banner of “social inclusion” to support JudoScotland, its coaches and clubs as they bring in players and families who would otherwise be excluded due to reasons of finance, chaotic lifestyles, health, low self-esteem or apathy.”
Julia MacKay, ApexScotland

When? June 2015
Ages 15 - 16
The Programme Yellow Belt Challenge - ApexScotland Inclusion Unit
Woodmill High School, Dunfermline
“These (judo) sessions have been invaluable for the pupils in my class. It allows them a bit of independence working with instructors out with the school and with the community which will enable them to achieve an SQA Access Award.
Each week we break down the skills we are learning and how they can be put to good use in our lives. We are currently looking at the various roles we take on during our judo sessions: how we transfer and where we transfer these skills and knowledge throughout our lives.
I feel that this opportunity has been a very valuable one and hope that the pupils go on and further their skills and their self-confidence and general movement and respect has increased.”
S. Millar (Class teacher 4A2)

When? Jan 2016
Ages 15 - 16
The Programme Yellow Belt Challenge - Support Learners
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